woensdag 21 mei 2014

Kim as pilot

We flew from Puerto Villamal (Isla Isabela) to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno (San Cristobal) and our daughter Kim was co-pilot. She enjoyed it and could even try the steering gear....We safely arrived now she wants to be a pilot !!!

maandag 19 mei 2014

Galapagos animals

The Galapagos host numerous species in a protected environment. Unfortunately we have not booked a multiple day tour otherwise you be able to visit the more remote islands and see even more animals, but sofar we have seen many animals. Below a few
Tomorrow we will move from Isabela to San Cristobal for more ...

woensdag 14 mei 2014

Today we went diving on the Galapagos Islands, around North Seymour. No hammerhead sharks, but we did see white-tip reef shark, Galapagos Sharks, Black-tip Reefsharks, turtles, barracuda's, ground eels, and a lot more. The kids went snorkeling and thought they were swimming in a aquarium
and now they want more.....